Solo at Silver Dollar Lake – Dillon, CO
Being from the Midwest, there’s something so magnificent about the mountains. I think that it’s something everyone can agree upon whether you’re from mountain country or not.
A few weeks ago visiting Denver, CO – after taking a couple days to adjust to the altitude – we headed west for the Guanella Pass in the Arapahoe National Forest to hike Silver Dollar Lake and Murray Lake Trail.
Our host urged us that the path may be crowded, but when we arrived at the trailhead there wasn’t another person or car in sight.
The parking lot was vacant. We were in for a treat! Partly what kept the crowds away were ominous clouds hovering over the peaks and horizon.
They taunted us as we ascended through the forest and closer to the top. Stopping along the way to grab a few (ok, more than a few) breaths and also take in the beauty around us, a light mist started to fall…
Instead of heading back to the car, we persisted up the 1,000 ft. elevation gain finally arriving at untouched alpine lakes with no one in sight.
Silver Dollar Lake was looking extra silver with the steely sky above, but as we sat next to the shoreline the clouds started to part and glimmers of sunshine began glittering across the water’s surface.
There was a strong temptation to jump in (still wish we would have…)
On the descent down, I noticed that our marmot friend who greeted us on the way up still held his territory even a few hours later.
Similar to us, whether sunshine or rain he stayed determined.
While this adventure could have turned out very differently – cold, wet, and possibly ill advised – we forged ahead and were rewarded with entire alpine lakes to ourselves in the sunshine.
Our decision to hold out hope for this adventure not only led to an experience of diverse conditions, but also provided us with a unique hike that didn’t include the usual suspects: other hikers.
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